Monday, June 21, 2010

College for Kids: Exploration Station

Today was the first day of College for Kids: Exploration Station. It was fun! There were 8 or 9 people in my class. We made a rainforest book. My favorite part was taking the smelling test. We smelled jungle foods like chocolate, sugar, mangoes, and more.

We had journals. Before the end of the day, we wrote in them what we learned. I learned that elephants live in the jungle and they are made out of 4 elements. I think hydrogen, oxygen, and other stuff.

We made chocolate covered bananas with sprinkles. Here's how it worked: first, you dip the bananas into the chocolate, then dip them into the sprinkles. They were delicious!

We read the book A Walk in the Rainforest. A boy and a girl took a walk in the rainforest to explore what it would be like and what would be in it. I liked the book.

I had a great day at college. I can't wait to go back tomorrow!

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