Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cooper on the Comet!

Here is the blog post about the comet.  I also went on the comet at Hershey Park, PA.  The comet holds a record. The record it holds is 3rd highest hill. When you are going up the hill, you exceed about 80 or less mph. It’s really fun as you zoom down the hill!  There’s also other hills and as you get thrown around on the turns, you’ll love it. At the end, the roller coaster stops and waits for the other cart.  Once the other cart is here, you go back in, and you get to have a great day at Hershey Park, PA! 

My mom, dad, and cousin’s mom went on the Storm Runner and the Fahrenheit.  The second oddest roller coaster is the Fahrenheit. But the oddest is the Sidewinder.  You even go backwards and do a backwards loop!  And you don’t even think you are heading toward the loops until you feel you are going upside down. I’ve never been on the Sidewinder. You have to be a Jolly Rancher or a Twizzler to ride on it.  I am just a Reese’s Cup and I am almost a Hershey Bar.  Last year, my brother, Hayden got on the Wildcat.  The Wildcat is one of the biggest roller coasters in Hershey Park.  It doesn’t do any loops, but it does have a pretty big hill.  The Storm Runner is a very steep roller coaster.  The Great Bear has 4 loops!  The Lightning Racer makes you speed down a hill…a very steep hill. The trailblazer is just a very little roller coaster. 

See you there at the Comet!

Cooper on the Sooper Dooper Looper!


At Hershey Park, PA, I went on the Sooper Dooper Looper!  It was fun and I went upside down!  The Sooper Dooper Looper is a roller coaster with an upside down loop in it.  If you want to ride it, and you are a kid, you can get an “I survived the sooper dooper looper” shirt.  But, you have to ride it.  It’s awesome!  There’s lots of hills and even a loop. Close your eyes when you go on the loop—you’ll be tickled!  They have sooper dooper looper shirts at the Comet Hollow shop, at a souvenir shack, and at the Hershey Park factory.  And at the Hershey Park factory, there are also other prizes you can get. 

Here are some names of roller coasters: The Comet, the sooper dooper looper, the lightning racer, the wildcat, the sidewinder, the great bear, the storm runner, the fahrenheit, and the trailblazer.  There are 11 coasters there but I don’t remember the other two.  You can choose any of these roller coasters to get on, but if you want the shirt, you have to ride the sooper dooper looper.  Check out another blog post for tips about the Comet!

See you there!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

home run!

On my last day of tee-ball I  hit a home run of a pitch!  I was the first batter and on the second pitch i hit it and it bounced over the fence.I felt glad. we won 7 to 0. it was a great game! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How the Universe Works

The Universe formed from a big ball of matter exploding.  This is known as the Big Bang.  The Universe’s bang did not sound like anything.  Because there is no air in space, that sound can’t travel.  Inside a vacuum, there is no sound.  If I were talking inside a vacuum, then this is what I would sound like:

{ n o t h i n g . }

That’s what I would sound like.  Supernovas are part of a dying super star.  But a hypernova is when a super giant turns into something called a hypernova—you heard that at the beginning of this sentence.  Then the hypernova forms into a black hole.  Black holes can even bend light!  Black holes rip things apart and the laws of physics break down and do not apply and time stops.  Anything that falls into a black hole gets spaghettified.  But in a super massive black hole, they rip apart stars.  And there is one at the center of our galaxy.  And the Andromeda galaxy.  And now, how the universe formed…

At the start of the universe, all matter was packed into an incredibly hot, dense ball.  And then, in fractions of a second, it imploded.  Then, streams of things that travel at the speed of light went everywhere!  And then, here is a battle between matter and anti-matter!  Anti-matter does the opposite of matter. Like, pretend there is an opposite of me…and if we shake hands together, we would all explode.  It was a really close battle.  Anti-matter had less the matter of matter.  And then, the first stars formed. But then, they exploded, forming black holes. And there was this one super massive black hole and the others went inside it as the super massive black hole ripped them inside.   And then it let in lots and lots and lots and lots of gas.  And it kept on going until the super  massive black hole could take no more gas. Then, it made the most powerful flame-throwing thing in the universe—streams of x-rays and gamma rays—until when things calmed down, it formed the very first galaxy.

As other galaxies formed, the planets started out as planetessimals, or really small planets. Until the planetessimal pieces knocked into each other and these became planets.  They all started out as ice, but the ones nearest to the sun heated up. Then we ended up with the small, rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.  Farther away from the sun, it was cold enough for gas to hang around, so we ended up also with the large, gassy planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.  And I did not forget Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.  And then, the planets started to orbit.  Dwarf planets and Mercury have an oval shaped orbit, while the other planets have a round orbit.  A few billion years later, guess what happened?  Life evolved on Earth! And maybe on Mars! 

Saturn started out with 67 moons, but then, 7 of of the moons crashed into the planets, making the rings around Saturn!

Jupiter also had 64 moons, but then one of them crashed into the planet and formed a faint ring.  The same thing with Uranus and Neptune!  Jupiter now has 63 moons and Saturn has 60.  Uranus has 27.  Neptune has 13. 

By the way, Haumea does have 2 moons but Pluto has 3.  The two moons Haumea has are named Hi’aka and Namaka.  Pluto’s three moons are Charon, Nix, and Hydra.  Eris has one moon named Dysnomia. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Benjamin Franklin Facts, Part One

IMG_0521 (2)

I am studying Ben Franklin.  He was a great American.  I heard about him from a Big Nate book.   Ben Franklin only had 2 years of formal schooling.  How lucky can you get?!!

He taught himself to swim at age 7.  Not many people knew how to swim back then.  Ben Franklin was designed to print paper money.  He did not wear a powdered wig.   

Ben Franklin’s face is on the one hundred dollar bill.  Benjamin Franklin lived in the 18th century.  A century equals 100 years. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

parker unit test level 1 pre k

score                                                                                                                                                                         7+0=_______          8+1=________        0+100=_________  98-0=_______  0+0=_______           9+1=________         1+7=__________  2+2=__                      0+5=_______           90+0=_______   3+1=_______    9-1=________

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Penguin Facts!

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Neil Armstrong

Click to read larger version!

Butterfly Life Cycle: Photos

A butterfly starts its life as a tiny little egg.  Then, it turns into a baby caterpillar and it is VERY, VERY hungry!  Right away, it eats its eggshell.  Then, it starts chewing on milkweed or a leaf.  In this picture, you see baby caterpillars. Aren’t they cute?

Then, it turns into a chrysalis when it is done eating. First, it makes a J shape, then it hardens its skin into a green shell called a chrysalis.  (chris-ull-liss) Then, you can see the wings inside the butterfly. LOOK! There is a painted lady hatching out of its shell!  First, it pokes out its head.  Then, it comes out and dries its wings before it can fly.  Then, it flutters its wings and flies from flower to flower collecting nectar.  When the butterfly lays its eggs, the eggs become a tiny caterpillar again. Do you know what happens next? 

All of our butterflies have come out now.  And all of them are in the net.  Aren’t they beautiful?  Painted lady butterflies look like monarchs when their wings open up on the inside, but they don’t when they are on the outside. 

Wasn’t it cool looking at my painted ladies?  When its time, we can let the butterflies go! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Butterfly Life Cycle

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To the Fence!

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butterfly observaiton 3

a butterfly came out of the chrysulis the others are in a chrtyslys.  The butterfly it became was a painted lady.  They are the butterflies that live almost everywhere.  And they also live in the most places.  It takes 15 minutes for a butterfly to break out of a chrysalis and stretch its wings. 

A butterfly also has something called a probiscis.  The probiscis is the straw-like tongue to help butterflies sip nectar from flowers. The butterfly flutters from flower to flower drinking the nectar and picking up pollen from that flower.  And when its time to lay some eggs, the butterfly lays some eggs. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Insect Observation Day 2

Our caterpillars grew. We have only had them for 2 days.  The caterpillars grow every single day.  The type of butterflies we will have when they are butterflies are called painted ladies.  If you look closely, the caterpillars are really small.  Our caterpillars are eating and growing.  The caterpillars are on the wall of the jar.  Have you ever known what the caterpillar’s red stuff is?  It is called metabolic waste. 

Silkworms and hornworms turn out to be a moth.  The brown thing is called a cocoon.  But, butterflies start out as eggs, and then they turn into baby caterpillars. But when they are done eating, they turn into something called a chrysalis.  More than one chrysalis is called chrysalides.  Do you think caterpillars have sixteen legs? And that they are not insects?  Well, they are insects.  The caterpillar’s fake legs are called pseudo-legs.   

Didn’t you know that after a baby caterpillar hatches out of its egg, it eats its egg shell?  Do you want to know the word for when a caterpillar has grown too big for its skin?  Its called molting.  Don’t you know that caterpillars even eat their own skin when they molt?  Didn’t you know that one kind of caterpillar has fake eyes to scare away enemies?  Some caterpillars even poke out stinky horns at enemies. 

Butterflies taste with their feet and smell with their antennae.  A butterfly straw-like tongue thing is called a probiscis.

Butterflies can be found in parks, backyards, and some even live far away in rainforests. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

caterpillar observaiton 1

We have baby caterpillars the stages are egg larva pupa and adult.some other insects go from egg nimph to adult.A caterpillar does not stay the same for long it forms a chriyslys and in 2 weeks and 15 minutes it is a butterfly!

Monday, February 21, 2011

More Art

Phineas & Ferb

Disney Cars Racing



Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another one gone!

I lost another tooth by pulling it out. I put it under my pillow but the tooth fairy did not come. because of a snow storm. I hope I get extra money!                                                    

So long tooth

On December 2010 I lost a tooth when I was brushing my teeth. I got my  tooth. I put it under my pillow. And the tooth. fairy came and left me a 5 dollar bill. now I AM VERY RICH!                                        

Saturday, January 1, 2011