Our caterpillars grew. We have only had them for 2 days. The caterpillars grow every single day. The type of butterflies we will have when they are butterflies are called painted ladies. If you look closely, the caterpillars are really small. Our caterpillars are eating and growing. The caterpillars are on the wall of the jar. Have you ever known what the caterpillar’s red stuff is? It is called metabolic waste.
Silkworms and hornworms turn out to be a moth. The brown thing is called a cocoon. But, butterflies start out as eggs, and then they turn into baby caterpillars. But when they are done eating, they turn into something called a chrysalis. More than one chrysalis is called chrysalides. Do you think caterpillars have sixteen legs? And that they are not insects? Well, they are insects. The caterpillar’s fake legs are called pseudo-legs.
Didn’t you know that after a baby caterpillar hatches out of its egg, it eats its egg shell? Do you want to know the word for when a caterpillar has grown too big for its skin? Its called molting. Don’t you know that caterpillars even eat their own skin when they molt? Didn’t you know that one kind of caterpillar has fake eyes to scare away enemies? Some caterpillars even poke out stinky horns at enemies.
Butterflies taste with their feet and smell with their antennae. A butterfly straw-like tongue thing is called a probiscis.
Butterflies can be found in parks, backyards, and some even live far away in rainforests.
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