This is Indian Squanto. The Pilgrims sailed from England to Plymouth. They thought they would land in Virginia where it was warm, but they actually landed in Massachusetts. They sailed on two ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Speedwell had a hole and was overflowing. They made a flag signal to tell the Mayflower that it couldn’t continue the voyage. Then, after a big storm, there was a baby born. The only name for a baby born in the ocean was Oceania. Lots of people were getting ill. Some were dying. Some were seasick. Some were just sick because there wasn’t much food. At last, they reached land.
The first men went out to see if it was safe. It was cold. They landed waaaay up north. Some of them went off the ship. Some of them stayed on. They needed fresh corn. No corn! But stuff. At last, they found some hills of sand. They dug under one. A basket filled with corn! Then they found another basket when they dug up another one. They were left by the Indians. They found Indians, but they ran away every time they found some. Soon, they found some Indians, but they were bad Indians. They shot their bow and arrows at the men. The men shot back with their guns. Soon they found another Indian when they were building houses. He spoke right up. He told them there was another Indian that speaks better English than him. He was named Squanto.
The passengers told him that many of the people had died and there were only 20 left. They told them that almost all of the people that lived here had died. Squanto told them how to plant corn the way they did. The Pilgrims invited Squanto for a feast. The Indians didn’t bring their bow and arrows. Squanto brought 90 of his Indian crew. We called this The First Thanksgiving. It was in 1621. The Pilgrims stayed there for 3 days. So did the Indians. It was one of the best Thanksgivings! It was really fun. They lived in houses in the New World. That’s what they called it.
The End.
Cooper, this is the best story of the first Thanksgiving I have ever read! Thanks for reading it out loud at Thanksgiving dinner. I learned a lot.